Project Overview

Cultural Museum of African Art

MASK Consortium is a coalition of museums and educational institutions sharing knowledge. Its mission is to synthesize a more complete understanding of history, culture, and humanity, through the preservation, digitization and virtualization of art and historical artifacts.

MASK Consortium was formed in response to the unmet needs of artists, museums, art and educational institutions, which needed to devise ways to continue to connect and engage with audiences, in the era of COVID, but lacked an even cursory understanding of the various method and methodologies that this could be leveraged to accomplish this end.

MASK was formed to be able to bridge the gap in traditional venue-based offerings, and the needs of virtual or remote audiences, by providing engaging, rich, content, in immersive interactive virtual environments.


Establishment of 3D Database for Museum’s 3000+ African Artifacts
Strategic Plan Development + Implementation
Re-Design of Website to Achieve Organizational Goals

XR + AR Artifacts
Coital Figures – Lobe / West Africa / Burkina Faso
EXPERIENCE: 360º Interactive Artifact with CMAA cultural education information

Kneeling FigureDemocratic Republic Of The Congo, Tanzania
EXPERIENCE:  Lifesize Augmented Reality Sculpture of Sanford Biggers’ “God Whistle”, Marianne Boesky Gallery, inspired by Kneeling Figure.
360º Interactive Artifact with CMAA cultural education information
GodWhistle, Sanford Biggers inspired by the Eric Edwards Collection at CMAA